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gen 07-Oct-2019 01:26
Hi !! looking for people from refugee camp Triskirchen Austria 1980-84
Szukam kontaktu z polskimi ludzmi bedacymi w obozie Triskirchen w latach 1980-84 niezaleznie w jakim zakatku swiata dzis sa,i w jakim wieku - pozdrawiam
Koio 05-Mar-2018 05:58
Got there in June of 1989 after made it from Sofia. There where only few people in Traiskirchen , but remember this entrance so well. The rep of Australia was begging me to register for Australia - there was not a single person in her room. After we where processed, where sent in Otterthall in the Alps to wait for interviews with US and Canada. Went back to Trais in 6 months and it was so different place - hundreds and hundreds of people - not a single empty place. My friend Vlado left for Australia. If somebody has been in Otterthale, my email is
Mari Henanger 14-Sep-2016 13:58
Hello, Tony.

I am contacting you on behalf of a Norwegian TV-show. I was wondering if you have an email I can contact you on regarding the usage of one of your photos.

Best regards,
Mari Henanger
Raffi 16-Sep-2015 11:12
I was in Traiskirchen from 1 September 1979 to 1 May 1980. All that time I spent in Hilton. It was not a bad time. The guys from my Zimmer still have contact with each other. The worst thing was not knowing what was going to happen to me.Am i going to stay forever in Trais or get visa soon. On 1 may 1980 I had flight to Australia. Now I am in England but in 2 months going back to Australia.
Guest 06-Oct-2013 02:59
I was there from 1987 to 1988...bad time...moved to USA..found Jesus...I'm home now.
Eqbal Hirani 11-Jun-2011 04:57
Fond memories. I came to Traiskirchen Camp in November 1972. Thankfull for the hospitality of the Austrian people when I had nowhere to go. Worked at the Semperit tire plant, stayed in Austria for 14 months, settled in Canada - the best country in the world.
tgriffen03-Apr-2010 02:49
Pali, I am grateful for your offer. Please email me when you find them.
Pali 24-Mar-2010 17:31
HELLO I'm from Budapest Hungary and I stayed in the Traiskirchen"Hilton"1986jan26-july29.I should have lot's of photos I just couldn't locat them this time case I probably have over 10000 pictures,but as soon as I find them I will get it to you
Pali 24-Mar-2010 17:25
HELLO I'm from Budapest Hungary and I stayed in the Traiskirchen"Hilton"1986jan26-july29.I should have lot's of photos I just couldn't locat them this time case I probably have over 10000 pictures,but as soon as I find them I will get it to you
Guest 30-Oct-2007 02:52
czesc tu Tadek Rutkowski bylismy razem w Austri i chyba w hotelu w N York widze ze byles znow w austri ja wybieram sie tam od kilku lat masz Manka na zdjeciu super stracilismy kontakty --mieszkam na florydzie cel 9735347701 zdjecia super daj namiar na Manka albo kogos--TRski
L Zuk 22-Jan-2003 00:25
I am interested in the photo titled zuk. Please explain the title. Thank you
Aneta 25-Jul-2002 20:00
There's one coffee table missing... my favourite one. Hugs Aneta Porczyk
Guest 28-Apr-2002 07:10
Ciekawe zdjecia :-) . Pozdrawiam serdecznie, Lukasz Badura - Opole, Polska