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Stephanie Seto | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent tree view | thumbnails

I've had a fascination with photography since I got my first camera, a point-and shoot Pentax, in 1994. I love the idea of capturing a moment in time forever. The photographs remind me of where I've been; I enjoy looking at old photos and having them bring back memories I'd almost forgotten.

I purchased a digital camera in 2000, but since it has a resolution of only 1.3 megapixels, the quality of the pictures was sorely lacking. I returned to 35mm film cameras, and have not yet had a desire to give up that format. I purchased my first SLR, a Nikon F80, in 2001.

I kept my eye on the digital camera scene, though, and in 2005 I finally purchased my second digicam, the Fujifilm FinePix F10 - a point-and-shoot compact, but one with some very intriguing features, including the ability to take good quality high ISO images (something that had been lacking in almost all compacts up until that point).

In June 2006, I purchased the FujiFilm FinePix F30 - an upgrade to the F10.

In December 2006, I finally took the DSLR plunge and bought the Nikon D80. There was never a question that it was going to be a Nikon, as I already have an investment in their lenses. It was just a matter of waiting for the right combination of price, features, and image quality. The D80 seems to fit the bill beautifully.

Most of my photos are from my travels; others are of local attractions and of my family. I am always feeling that my photos, while nice, often lack creativity and originality. That is something I hope to improve upon as I gain experience.

Update July 8, 2009: New D80 gallery - Yosemite 2009

Update October 13, 2008: New D80 gallery - Sedona 2008.

Update October 12, 2008: New F30 gallery - Las Vegas 2008.

Update October 12, 2008: New photos added to D80 Local Hiking gallery.

Update September 15, 2008:New D80 gallery: Local Hiking.

Update March 25, 2008: New image added to the F30 Macros gallery.

Nikon D80 Gallery
:: Nikon D80 Gallery ::
Fujifilm FinePix F30 Gallery
:: Fujifilm FinePix F30 Gallery ::
Fujifilm FinePix F10 Gallery
:: Fujifilm FinePix F10 Gallery ::
Fujifilm FinePix F440 Gallery
:: Fujifilm FinePix F440 Gallery ::
Vancouver Island West Coast 2005
:: Vancouver Island West Coast 2005 ::
Monterey Coast, California - October 2004
:: Monterey Coast, California - October 2004 ::
Canadian Rockies 2004
:: Canadian Rockies 2004 ::
California Wedding June 2004
:: California Wedding June 2004 ::
Great Oregon Adventure 2003
:: Great Oregon Adventure 2003 ::
Emily and Brian's Wedding Reception January 2003
:: Emily and Brian's Wedding Reception January 2003 ::
Canadian Rockies 2002
:: Canadian Rockies 2002 ::
Arizona Spectacular 2001
:: Arizona Spectacular 2001 ::
Lighthouse Park
:: Lighthouse Park ::
:: Gardens ::
Family and Friends, Miscellaneous
:: Family and Friends, Miscellaneous ::