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Rodrigo25-Jan-2014 15:28
Obrigado Jonathan!
Rolands Lelis 18-Jan-2013 16:23
Great photos!!!
Belle 28-Jul-2011 02:36
Hi, this message is for Aron. My name is Belle and I am a 5 year old Vizsla living in Los Angeles. I have seen your pictures and videos and I think you are very cute. I also have a sister Grace who is 18 months. You live in a beautiful place. My mommy and daddy have been to your country and told me it was lovely. If you ever come to LA we must meet. My mom will give you her email because I am waiting to get an iPhone 5. Goodbye for now.
Dipo Atmanto 20-Dec-2010 10:42
I like this web,many thanks
John Glines09-Dec-2008 19:36
Is there anyplace you haven't been? Really enjoyed looking at your pix from around the world.
Ana 26-Jun-2008 21:13
Hey Rodrigo, it's great to see photos of Givat Haim Meuchad. I was there for 6 months in 1988 - so 4 years before you. I had a brilliant time and didn't want to leave - should have taken a whole year off uni and stayed! I mostly worked in Pardes (the citrus orchards) pruning orange trees. Best wishes, Ana
carlos 24-Mar-2008 13:50
oi morro aqui na suiça e estava vendo seu orkut e gostaria muito de te conhecer vou a new york semana que vem se quiser tem uma vaga para vc em meu apartamento vou te passar meu e-mail
Guest 16-May-2007 08:06
Dear Rodrigo,
You have so beautifuly photos in yours portfolio...Excellent my friend...Greetings from Montenegro and i will come back with pleasure...
Guest 02-Apr-2007 04:29
Vi suas fotos de Jericoacoara. Parabéns!

Gostaria de saber se você me autoriza usá-las num site que estou
fazendo sobre o lugar.

Um grande abraço!

Márcio Luis
richard haas 11-Jul-2006 21:05
could you please contact me. Thanks in advance