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Phil Dentten | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent tree view | thumbnails
Thankyou for visiting my gallery. Most of my photography is devoted to landscape as it is my first love, but as you can see, I dabble in other areas as well. I hope you enjoy my pictures, but I shall be pleased to receive both praise and criticism alike. Praise makes you feel good - criticism makes you think!
Photographs were taken on Nikon digital SLR cameras (D700/D7000/D300/D2X/D2H/D1x/D100)
My Favourites
:: My Favourites ::
Merrie England
:: Merrie England ::
Bonnie Scotland
:: Bonnie Scotland ::
The Emerald Isle
:: The Emerald Isle ::
La Belle France
:: La Belle France ::
:: Tuscany ::
A Jersey Jaunt
:: A Jersey Jaunt ::
South Africa
:: South Africa ::
:: People ::
:: Flora ::