Message from Milan Vogrin
Dear visitors!
Thank you very much for visiting my page.
All photos showed in my galleries are available as high resolution (300 ppi) files (e.g. jpg, tif) for at least A3 size. Prints are also available of all images.
Please take into account, that images posted in my galleries are low resolution and do not represent the actual image quality.
The photos are copyright and they can not be used in any form without explicit license from the author. Links are also prohibited.
To request a photo, or information, send me an e-mail:
P.S.: In case that you are interested for a WILDLIFE/BIRDING HOLLIDAY in Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, Belarus, Mongolia...please contact me. I can guide you and show you the most beautiful places in the region, including animals and plants of course. You will be able to take also a beautiful photos.
Hvala za obisk moje strani.
Prosim upoštevajte, da so vse fotografije, ki jih vidite v galerijah v nizki resoluciji, so pa vam na razpolago v visoki resoluciji in primerne za tisk tudi večjih formatov.
V kolikor vas kakšna fotografija še posebej zanima se prosim obrnite name za dodatne informacije (
Hvala in lep pozdrav!