Hi Josha, I am BiG fan of your photography style!
Regards from USA
gertjan huiskes
30-Mar-2011 14:19
beste Joshua, mooie foto's van de lepelaars in Kardinge. Mag ik een ddarvan zetten op mijn website (bij een nieuwsbericht) met een vermelding van jouw naam en een link naar je website?
groeten Gert Jan Huiskes, ogentroostenliefdegras.nl
08-May-2010 09:02
Hi Josha
Always find your pics and knowledge inspiring at DPR.
Best wishes
Drew (Drewbie)
05-Dec-2009 12:29
Dear imqqmi,
Please let me emphasize that I think you are wonderful. Your composition, technical ability, the heart behind these pictures, are all amazing, imho.
I have one suggestion; perhaps it dilutes the effect a bit when you include several pics of the same subject in the same setting, very close to same shot (I'm looking at wildlife).
Again, it is only because your gallery is so close to perfect to me that I write this little suggestion. Hope you don't mind.