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Ilene Nova | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent
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pacs22-May-2015 18:46
Hi.... like your photos so much..... you are really great photographer.
cafe18-May-2015 09:40
Je suis impressionnée par vos photos, woow !
cheveux boucles16-May-2015 08:46
I really appreciated, best regards.
Don Kastle 26-Apr-2013 15:41
The picture titled: cowboy accoutrements. Should be hanging in my front room. It's a masterpiece. The picture of Broom and Cub Board should be hanging in my kitchen. Thanks so much for displaying your work for us to experience. I would actually volunteer to help you set up an art gallery just to be around it from time to time. There is no other word to describe this work but AMAZING!!!
Don Kastle 26-Apr-2013 14:59
My friend and neighbor (Al) who works with you recommended that I take a look at your work as I am also working on my photography. Your work is absolutely remarkable. I do have a hiking and camping group where we go somewhere all the time just for the photography. You will be a welcome addition. I have over 1,350 members but I limit the size of the group who goes. Being a friend of Al's I would make arrangements for you to go anytime you want to.
I'll give Al my card, website of my hiking group (I don't charge anything so there is no cost except you getting there and buying your own gas etc) and I do hope you will join us.
I hope to hear from you soon
PTD 25-Mar-2011 02:39
I agree. You are very talented. Do you only do artistic photos or also professional, like weddings?
Guest 25-Mar-2011 02:37

You are amazing photographer. I liked the way you express your ideas. I like the way you display background with the portraits, like in Prachi.
LeAnn Joswick 20-Jan-2011 05:43
Ilene, Your photos are beautiful! I really enjoyed browsing your galleries.
Rosemarie Kusserow13-May-2010 06:08
Hello Ilene, I strolled a bit through your galleries and I have to say that I like a lot what I saw so far, I put you to my favorities and I´ll visite your works again, have a nice day, Rosemarie :o)
Annie Rigby 20-Apr-2010 20:29
Ilene, So many amazing images. I haven't looked for a while and you have added so much. You are amazing. I love to enjoy your point of view. Great captions too. : )
- Annie
Guest 15-Apr-2010 20:57
I love the style of your images. Thanks for sharing and providing the inspiration.
Gary Marmon 15-Apr-2010 02:01
Ilene - Your photography is impressive. You are really talented and I'm glad I've had a chance to see it. I've gone through several galleries and look forward to seeing the others.

Jay Levin22-Oct-2009 03:11
Hi. In the brief time that I had to browse your Jackson Hole and Yellowstone gallery tonight, I was struck by your amazing talent as a landscape photographer. I look forward to seeing more of your outstanding work.

Jay Levin
Richard 12-Feb-2009 14:40
Nice - looks like you're enjoying the natural world!
Alan 06-Jan-2009 23:51

Give up your day Job!
Tiffany 24-Nov-2008 22:38
Ilene, is your art for sale?
Chad Ramsey17-Jan-2008 17:15
Thank you for your kind comments Ilene! You are a wonderful photographer who sees the beauty in our "stressfull" world! :-) It has been a joy to see your photos and the unique qualities you bring to PBase.
Guest 14-Jan-2008 03:56

Sue12-Jan-2008 07:04
I like your galleries also. I have saved it in favorites.

Guest 01-Jan-2008 13:54
Ilene, Your work is beautiful. I look forward to many return trips to your galleries. Welcome to PBase.
Jean-Claude Liehn30-Dec-2007 17:32
Very interesting work. Click ! In my favorite list. I think I have a lot to learn from your experience.
Jean-Claude, Reims, France
RALPH ELDRIDGE26-Dec-2007 11:16
Welcome. Very good work.
It's been interesting, viewing your first postings, and I anticipate more ahead.
Aud Elise Sjøsæther26-Dec-2007 10:29
Welcome to Pbase : )
It has been a graet pleasure to visit your galleries.
I have added you to my favorites list and I will sure return to see more!

best regards,
Aud Elise
Christian Lallier24-Dec-2007 17:58
very good job!!
I like very much
Christian from Lyon france