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Hajar | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent tree view | thumbnails
A sampling of things that interest me:

Wild creatures in the air, on land and under water.

Travels in the Americas, Africa, Arabia, Polynesia, Asia, Europe - and northern England!

History, especially of Viking culture and explorations around a thousand years ago;
northern England mining traditions through the eyes of the two Westgarth Forsters and their descendants;
and the first half of the twentieth century as seen through the eyes of my grandparents and their artist friends Jan and Cora Gordon.

The history of life on the planet as seen through exceptionally preserved fossil biotas.

The beauty of crystals and the phenomenon of crystal twinning.

Meteorites, moons, planets, stars.
Asia Pacific
Asia Pacific
Oman above and below water
Oman above and below water
Central and South America
Central and South America
Caribbean and Bahamas
Caribbean and Bahamas
African Wildlife
African Wildlife
Northern England
Northern England
Art of Jan and Cora Gordon
Art of Jan and Cora Gordon
Anglo Saxons
Anglo Saxons
Viking Age Art
Viking Age Art
Amber Galleries
Amber Galleries
Mineral Galleries
Mineral Galleries