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Derek Slater's Recent Galleries

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15-Sep-2020 20:30
<< Wales >>
22-Jul-2019 21:40
Animals and Birds
<< Animals and Birds >>
16-Jul-2019 12:30
Acrylic Painting
<< Acrylic Painting >>
16-Feb-2018 21:23
Altered Images
<< Altered Images >>
16-Feb-2018 21:19
<< Aviation >>
06-Feb-2018 19:17
Churnet Valley Railway
<< Churnet Valley Railway >>
03-Nov-2017 22:02
Fireworks and Funfairs
<< Fireworks and Funfairs >>
04-Sep-2017 20:14
Macro - A closer look....
<< Macro - A closer look.... >>
13-Aug-2017 20:51
<< harvest >>
11-Apr-2017 18:31
Bits and Pieces
<< Bits and Pieces >>
08-Jan-2017 20:00
Tissington Ford
<< Tissington Ford >>
25-Oct-2016 20:45
Cannock Chase
<< Cannock Chase >>