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Carol 202 | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent tree view | thumbnails
I have found my dream job now that I can afford to work for free!

I have recently retired but keep busy with “jobs” I enjoy. I spend much of my time working with organizations such as and These organizations strive to protect our marine ecosystems. It’s a dream to use my underwater photography to further the efforts of these wonderful organizations.

This gallery is a conglomeration of photos from my hometown in Mexico Beach, Florida; travels in the US and abroad; and underwater adventures.

I love hearing from people around the world, especially my "Arkadaslar" in Turkey where I was fortunate to stay for two years. Please leave your comments; I read each and every one of them and am glad to answer questions.

:: Florida ::
Mexico Beach, FL, Underwater
:: Mexico Beach, FL, Underwater ::
Scuba Diving
:: Scuba Diving ::
Travel in the USA
:: Travel in the USA ::
World Travel
:: World Travel ::
 In Box
::  In Box ::
:: Family ::
Collections of This and That
:: Collections of This and That ::