I'm an air ambulance flight nurse. The air ambulance company I work for provides patient transport, medical evacuation, and worldwide air ambulance service. It's exciting and very rewarding.
I’ve noticed that one of the major problems medical providers are faced with when arranging air ambulance flights for their clients is that certified medevac carriers seldom have any experience in dealing with the issues commonly presented to those in medical care roles. These vendors typically do not understand the delicate balance in making important decisions for clients while at the same time being mindful of hectic time constraints.
These companies are well equipped to act swiftly and professionally when there is just a single client in need of their air ambulance services, yet are easily overwhelmed when case managers and social workers need to make medical flight arrangements for multiple clients in a narrow time frame. Most medical providers find it beneficial to work with companies that are owned and operated by individuals with similar backgrounds. Such individuals are more sensitive to issues such as prudent patient care, communicating with your colleagues, and balancing time pressures.